Hello today I want to talk about tdr (treball de recerca) I can’t translate this “sentence” because it’s one work that only do catalan people, so in England there isn’t any word to call this work.This is a really long work that catalan students, who are 16,17 or 18 years old must do during the summer.It’s a really important work because if you fail this you can’t go to the university, I think that if you work hard you can have a good mark and it’s really difficult to have a failed.We can choose the topic that we want and then we have to look for a lot of information about this, after we must to write approximately sixty pages.Few days ago we chose the topic.
Much people are deceived by the words or images of an arvertisment and this causes that they want to buy. And I believe that this is an injustice, because they take advantage people, People believe in these words and these are not real.
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