This entry is the last entry of this course. This course has been amazing but I still have do exams and research project in the summer. The teachers change the date of delivery of research project. Now we delivery before Chrismas. Although it I like this course because impressive things have happened to me. The next year we will go with new classmates that this year they have repeated of course for exemple Andreu or Adrià. well, allthings happens If I will approve this course. In this course I learnt more new things.
dissabte, 30 de maig del 2009
divendres, 29 de maig del 2009
Barça wins Champions!!
The last wednesday Barça wins the champions. The Champins league is a tournament that participate the best football team in the europe and is more difficult win the champions league than the league or cup of king. This match celebrate between the week because of it fotball players can to rest. Football match was amazing. In this match played Manchester United against F.C. Barcelona. I saw this football match in Castelló 'empuries civic center with my friends Guillem SAnz, Fran, Christia Ibarra, Andreuss, Nil Comas.... In this place they put a big screen because more people could see a football match. First the Manchester seems that he will win a match but a few minuts later Barça did a first goal. It was amazing, all people singing and celebrating the goal. At the end Leo Messi also did other goal. In thi goal other people started a dancing and singing. It was incredible. Then we went in way of town and later I went to my house with Julia Turro, because she lives in th same town that me.
stress week!!
This week is other stress week tha here is in first batxillerat. Every term there is a stress week. In this term is very sress and I am very worry because in this week we can passed the exams or we can't passed. This week is the most important week of course. In addition we have a lot of exams and thare are days that we have two exams. In addition we have more homework for example blog of inglish subject or portfolio or literature's blog that is more long but today I have finished. Also the next week we have a lot of exams but is the last week! but the other weeks we went to the secundary school for we do the other exams but to raise marks and for to recover subjects. But I have to go the next week when the class finish because of while I don't suspended any subject because I passed all the exams although I have passed the exam with well marks. Becaue of it I will go to exams for to rise marks.
In addition literature is the subject that generates more work becaue we read the Quijote and then we do the summaries, blogs and exams.
Barça vs. Madrid
The last week Barça played against Madrid. They are the best football teams of Spain. They played in the Madrid stadium. Madrid lost footbal match 2-6. This footall match had a lot of goals. Firt, Madrid started by winning but a few minuts later Barça started doing a goal after other goal. Barça demonstrated that he is the best football team inthis moment. This football match was very impactant. I believe that nobody can imagine this result! I believe that this team win the champions, league and the cup of king as it says the song of Cràckovia that I have put in this entry!. This match I saw in Guillem Sanz's houses wih Pau, Fageda, Fran and Pol. I enjoyed a lot this day. Then football match we went to the party for celebrate that Barça win the most important football macth of league. Before the football match of Barça my fooball team I played in the afternoon an other football match. This football match we won 4-3 versus Sant Hilari. Average divides we losed match 3-1. In the last minuts Bemba shuts the ball and he does a goal. This day was very ejoyed for me.
diumenge, 12 d’abril del 2009

Today I will talk about one traditional festival because Easter is tomorrow! and in this festival nobody work and for this students don't go to school during one week.
Easter, also called Pascha or holy week, is the most important festivl of religious. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which Christians believe occurred on the third day after his crusifixion some time in the period of romans. Many non-religious cultural elements have become part of the holiday, and those aspects are often celebrated by many Christians and non-Christians alike.
Here in Catalonia the easter stars on Sunday " de rams" and finishes on Sunday "de pasqua". To start the festival there is a mass and then the childrens buys a "mona de pasqua" in the cake shop or te confectioner's.
In all Romance lenguages the name of the Easter festival is derived from the Greek name, Pascha which is itself derived from Pesach, the Hebrew festival of Passover.
Normal day

Tomorrow is the last day of a little holidays. Tuesday will begin other time come to school and homework and exams....
Now I do the homework because the teachers put a lot homework and is very stressing. I still have more homework and I have litle time for I do.
Yesterday I did more homework and I read a lot but for night I went to a Fata. When I arrived still there wasn't more people and Fata still closed. I with GUillem, Manel, Aleix and David went to the beach while Fata opened. Then we enter a Fata and met Adria and Pau. Then we went to the beach again because in Fata was hot a lot. At finish we enter again in Fata and dancing until 5 o'clock that we went to my house for sleep.
Last wednesday!

Last wednesday I went to Figueres with Guillem for look for a book for research project. First, Guillem and me arrived in the library but we didn't find any book. Then Adrià came to the library and we found a book that Guillem need but I didn't found a book that I need.Then we went to Adrià's house and playing a playstation during all afternoon. While we came to Adrià's house, Eric called me for knows where we stayed. Then Eric did dinner for adria guillem and me. Barça begun play a football match and we decided went to the cinema for see a film but before enter for see a film we saw a football match. Half football match we listened in a radio because we begun walk at the cinema when the football match begun.Then we went to the cinema for see dragonball evolution that it's based a famous serie dragon ball. This film I didn't like because changed more things that serie dragon ball and I liked a lot this serie like the adria.
divendres, 10 d’abril del 2009
A different week

I expected this week more time because in this week there aren't class!! but I believed that in this week I can have a rest but the teachers put more homework and I have done the homework during the week and I can't do nothing that I think.On the one hand I did my homework but on the other hand I went to the beach with my friends: Marc, Pau , Guillem and Roger. This day taht we went to the beach we played against some german people a volleyball. We losed against this german people because we doesn't know play a volleyball, we know play a football. Then we went to the bar since seven o'clock and then we went to my house and we play a football and basketball.
diumenge, 8 de març del 2009
Last post of this term!
Research project!

Hello today I want to talk about tdr (treball de recerca) I can’t translate this “sentence” because it’s one work that only do catalan people, so in England there isn’t any word to call this work.This is a really long work that catalan students, who are 16,17 or 18 years old must do during the summer.It’s a really important work because if you fail this you can’t go to the university, I think that if you work hard you can have a good mark and it’s really difficult to have a failed.We can choose the topic that we want and then we have to look for a lot of information about this, after we must to write approximately sixty pages.Few days ago we chose the topic.
Much people are deceived by the words or images of an arvertisment and this causes that they want to buy. And I believe that this is an injustice, because they take advantage people, People believe in these words and these are not real.
Exams again!

In this week I have 5 exams. It's horrible!
In the weekend I'll be in my writing-desk all the day..
Party? Oh yes bacause there is carnival in my town but I will can't study a lot.
I have many desire of celebration. You no?
Lack little for easter
I don't know what to say..
Is very shameful.
Well.. Tomorrow I have one examn ( filosophia! ).
I need good luck!
divendres, 6 de març del 2009
not even finished the carnival!!
Tomorrow is the last day of Carnival. The last Carnival is in Fortià, my town. Fortià isn't the more popular town and neither is more bigg but the last year in Carnival there are more people. I think that this year there aren't most poeple than last year but also It's will be well.
Tomorrow will come Top Secret and then some "discomobil" in the carnival. Begin at twelve o'clock but I think that tomorrow will do more cold and wind. Well, tomorrow still will do more cold and wind I hope that come more people.
Before the carnival I will play a football match against Sant Feliu. I think that we will can this match because when we played other football match against this team we losed 2-1. Well, now I will go to training still today do more cold and wind.
Tomorrow will come Top Secret and then some "discomobil" in the carnival. Begin at twelve o'clock but I think that tomorrow will do more cold and wind. Well, tomorrow still will do more cold and wind I hope that come more people.
Before the carnival I will play a football match against Sant Feliu. I think that we will can this match because when we played other football match against this team we losed 2-1. Well, now I will go to training still today do more cold and wind.
Every moonday at 9 : 45 in TV3 begin one of my favourite programme. This programme talk about football team in general. It's very funny because in this programme imitating the football players and presidents of the team and situations in Catalonia. It's a comedy programme. I think that the best is Iniesta because in this programme do pale a lot. Also Tammudo because they do very ignoradned .This programme is too short and only it's once a week but it's very funny.
I will a video that appears Iniesta.
I will a video that appears Iniesta.
diumenge, 22 de febrer del 2009
Today I talk about carnival in Sant Peter Fisherman. We went to a restaurant for celebrate Pau's birthday. In this restaurant we met the secundary school poeple that also celebrate one birthday and they also went in carnival. While we are eating they are wearing the cake and we gave the presents. Then I went in Pau's house because he had that keep a present. The cabalgate the float started and we went. Then started the music and the poeple started dancing. All people wear a fancy dress. Guillem sanz rang to me because he went with me. When he arrived I and Guillem started to walked and talked. At finish Guillem and me went to the party, in civic center. Then started to dancing with friends. At halph past 3 people Armentera arrived in Sant Peter Fisherman. Marc Puig is from Armentera but he arrived at 3 o'clock. I met with poeple that I didn't see since more time for example Carles Comas , Albert Josep (known by the nickname samurai = samu) or Marta Grau. Yesterday night did more funny and the next week Carnival in Castelló d'empuries and for two weeks carnival in Fortià!!
This photo is in a restaurant while we ar eating. In this photo we already wear fancy dress.
This photo is in a restaurant while we ar eating. In this photo we already wear fancy dress.

dissabte, 21 de febrer del 2009
Carnival in St. peter fisherman
Today is carnival in St. Peter Fisherman.
This morning the first thing that I did was to finish the work of latin subject. Then I went to football match. We win the football match against St. Hilari. If we didn't win secure that this year down the division but now that we win probably that not down the division.We win 3-1 in castelló d'empúries. Then I went to Figueres for cut my hair and now I am writing in the blog. At 8 o'clock more or less I go to St Peter Fisherman for I have a dinner because we will celebrate Pau's birthday. At finish to the dinner we will go to civic center of St. Peter Fisherman because there is carnival.
Now I don't write more and for finish put the photo the one of my favourite programmes , Crackòvia. The next entry I talk about this programme or carnival of St Peter.
This morning the first thing that I did was to finish the work of latin subject. Then I went to football match. We win the football match against St. Hilari. If we didn't win secure that this year down the division but now that we win probably that not down the division.We win 3-1 in castelló d'empúries. Then I went to Figueres for cut my hair and now I am writing in the blog. At 8 o'clock more or less I go to St Peter Fisherman for I have a dinner because we will celebrate Pau's birthday. At finish to the dinner we will go to civic center of St. Peter Fisherman because there is carnival.
Now I don't write more and for finish put the photo the one of my favourite programmes , Crackòvia. The next entry I talk about this programme or carnival of St Peter.

dijous, 19 de febrer del 2009
This friday I didn't go to the carnival of Roses with my friends because on saturday morning I played a football match.
The last year We only have been on the room where they did the dance. We didn't assist on the rue because some reasons. On friday night it has been raining. I had training since eleven o'clock, because Saturday I had a match, and the rue started at nine o'clock and we didn't have any time. I remember that day because this day did very funny!!
In the dancing I found a lot of people that I knew. The party was really awsome and very funny!
This saturday, we played the match and we will win!
At night I will go to st.pere on carnival, there I have been talking with a lot of friends of st.pere, figueres and other villages. I also enjoy a lot but not as good as friday.
And then I will wait for next weekend that there is a carnival of Castelló d'Empúries!!
I don't have photos of the last carnival! but this year I supose that we will do a photography.
The last year We only have been on the room where they did the dance. We didn't assist on the rue because some reasons. On friday night it has been raining. I had training since eleven o'clock, because Saturday I had a match, and the rue started at nine o'clock and we didn't have any time. I remember that day because this day did very funny!!
In the dancing I found a lot of people that I knew. The party was really awsome and very funny!
This saturday, we played the match and we will win!
At night I will go to st.pere on carnival, there I have been talking with a lot of friends of st.pere, figueres and other villages. I also enjoy a lot but not as good as friday.
And then I will wait for next weekend that there is a carnival of Castelló d'Empúries!!
I don't have photos of the last carnival! but this year I supose that we will do a photography.

Today is thursday and I have two exams!. First exam is very easy but It's very longest and the second exam I begin last day but It's more longest and I finished today. Never I have do one exam so long for during two hours but I think that I went well.Yesterday there was also exams
Tomorrow there aren't exams!! but I have homework a lot for this weekend.
This term is very short and It will finish here two weeks and now I begin have a more exams, compositions , blogs, read a books...
I just thought I stress!! but I hope that I went well also this term because I have did it the all homewrok and the exams while I do well.
Titus andronicus

Toda I talk about one film that I saw the last day in llati subject.
This film is very entertaining.This film is based on Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus This film is related with mitology; Filomela and Progne history. This story explain about two towns; Roma and Godos. It's very entertaining but there are scenes more violence, for exemple when two brothers cut tha hands and tongue of the girl and then a series of revenge.
Now we must do it a composition about this film and It's more long.
And then I put the one photo about this film. This person who appeared is the protagonist, Titus.
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